you for supporting and attending our 1st Annual Purse & Gun Bingo!!! We
hope you have a great time!! We are overwhelmed with the support we have received
thus far
    with this event. This event is in place of our prior Annual Auction
and is the first big event of the year to collect donations
for our program. Contributions to our program continually
    change and we are
amazed at how creative some can be, just check out our Facebook page to see
how local schools are making a difference. As you know we are 100% Volunteer
– meaning that every dollar donated goes directly to the Cancer Fighting Residents
in Putnam County!! By donating to the Putnam County Cancer Assistance Program,
    are able to provide to your friends, neighbors, and family members. To
put things in perspective, here are some numbers:
- 2021: 668 Putnam County Residents Helped with a total $665,424.19
in Financial Help Provided
129 Putnam County Residents Helped with a total $129,000.00 in Financial Help
Upcoming Events:
1.) 4th Annual CAP Purse/Gun/Tool Bingo- Saturday January 18, 2025 at Ottawa K of C. More information to come.